360° Services
Von der Idee zum Event: Wir sind Ihr Partner für beeindruckende Erlebnisse – digital und live.
Professionelle Medienproduktionen, mitreißende Events, technischer Support – alles aus einer Hand.
Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam etwas Großartiges schaffen!
Positive emotions anchor events in the memory and people like to remember them. This is exactly where we come in and create extraordinary light shows, intoxicating sound illusions and multimedia image worlds.
Our company looks back on 28 years of experience in event technology and has been a reliable partner for customers in Bavaria, Germany, Europe and the world for many years.
TCLG event technology sees itself as a professional provider of event technology and services in the event sector and offers, in addition to the rental of individual components, the full service for your event.
We create concepts and realize corporate events, cultural and sporting events, live events and trade fairs. We always have our finger on the pulse of the times, continuously invest in keeping our technical rental park up to date, and ensure a high level of certified expertise with constant training and continuing education for our employees.
Projekt Galerie
Anders denken, besser machen. Wir entwickeln einzigartige Projekte, die überraschen und überzeugen – kreativ, wirtschaftlich und immer auf den Punkt. Hier ein kleiner Einblick in unsere Arbeit.
Qualität die überzeugt: Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden erschaffen wir Events, die begeistern. Hier ein kleiner Einblick in unsere zufriedenen Kunden aus Wirtschaft, Handel und Finanzen.
Unsere Kunden
Click here to get to us!
TCLG event technology GmbH & Co KG
Industriegebiet West II
Bürgermeister-Birkmüller-Str. 16
D-92533 Wernberg-Köblitz
09604 - 93 2 93 10
We are very pleased about your interest in our services and performance. The personal data provided by you and brought to our attention will be treated with absolute confidentiality. We use them exclusively for the purpose of processing your specific inquiry and, only if it serves this purpose or if required by law, these disclosed data will be disclosed to any third parties such as distributors, installation companies, subcontractors or tax advisors or similar. Further information can be found on our website under the item "Data protection". Of course, you can also contact us directly using the known contact details.